Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Rutles - Tragical History Tour (2017)

It's time for your mid-week Rutles treat, and this time it's the 'Tragical History Tour' album, containing another great batch of psychedelic-style Beatles pastiches. This one has some of my favourite Rutles songs in 'Doubleback Alley', 'Piggy In The Middle' and 'Love Life'.

Track listing

01 Shangri La
02 Questionnaire
03 Lying
04 Purple Haze
05 Piggy Bank Love

06 Piggy In The Middle
07 Raggy Dolls
08 Montana Cafe
09 Doubleback Alley
10 What Do You Do
11 Love Life

* The Rutles - 01, 02, 03, 06, 09, 11
* The Flame(s) - 04
* Neil Innes - 07, 08
* The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band - 05, 10

And no, I don't know what 'Purple Haze' is doing on there!


  1. I can tell you, since this was my track list - "Purple Haze" is performed by Ricky Fataar, and I chose it as a psychedelic Stig song (with a color in the title).

  2. Huh - maybe this wasn't the Rutles Vinyls version? Theirs had a different "Shangri La", taken from the Innes Book Of Records show.

    1. I'm working from here and the track listing was yours, but I didn't realise that there were two versions of 'Shangri'La' as I took the long version from the 1996 'Shangri-La' EP.

    2. Yeah, for some reason, Rutles Vinyls used a lo-fi version from Neil's TV show, but Neil's original 70's album version works better - for 1967, it avoids anachronisms (like quoting Oasis's "Whatever" in the intro, and the obvious "Hey Jude" outro).

  3. Thanks for your imaginative and entertaining Rutles work!! Brilliant!!

    Stuffy from Sweden

  4. this is a great blog :) is there any chance of all the Rutles posts being reupped to Yandex please, as Zippy blocked for me,many thanks here's hoping

    1. Alternate link added, and the rest will follow.

  5. Since everybody has the right to make their own Rutles albums, I thought I'd share the playlist I came up with for "Tragical History Tour." I think it flows much better.
    01 Doubleback Alley (if you ask me, this HAS to be the opener!)
    02 Love Life
    03 Questionnaire
    04 The Children of Rock and Roll (from "Rutland Weekend")
    05 Let's Be Natural (I know it was used elsewhere but it fits)
    06 Piggy In The Middle
    07 Testing ("Rutland Weekend" again)
    08 Don't Know Why
    09 Montana Café
    10 Piggy Bank Love
    11 What Do You Do?
    12 Lying
    13 Shangri La (this HAS to be the closer IMO)

    "Raggy Dolls" and "Purple Haze" didn't fit into my conception, sorry.

  6. I have come late to The Rutles, now I can't satiate my love for them. The Tragical History Tour (great name) won't download, the message is your disk is full. Same with Dukes of Stratosphear. You have wonderful stuff here. Thanks for all the work.

    1. For some reason the link was pointing at the old Yandex one, so now fixed. I found quite a few others that were doing the same thing, so let me know if you find any others.
