Sunday, December 27, 2020

Prince - Purple Music (1983)

I think we all know by now just how much unreleased material Prince left behind when he died, and a throwaway remark in a Record Collector review has led me to some of it. In their review of the latest official release of some 1983 demos, they said that 'the way he turned out 'Purple Music' all by himself has to be heard to be believed', and a challenge like that can't be ignored. At first I didn't know if 'Purple Music' was a song or an album, but there was a song of that name on Youtube which was as good as I'd hoped, and a bit more searching uncovered a bootleg album which included that track along with many others from around the same time, only one of which has been officially released since it was complied (that I know of). I was never really that much of a Prince fan while he was alive, but I'm getting into him much more now that I've found out more about him from the tributes - for instance, I never knew that he generally played all the instruments on his songs himself, or that he'd written so many of them that there's a vault full of material just waiting to be discovered. This is an album of just that material, and has belatedly shown me just what a talent we've lost.

Track listing

01 Turn It Up
02 Do Yourself A Favor
03 No Call U
04 Feel U Up
05 Irresistible Bitch
06 Possessed
07 Extralovable
08 Chocolate
09 Purple Music
10 Baby, You're  A Trip

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Prince - Dream Factory

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I too resisted Prince. It was Sign O' The Times that opened me up to him. I was aware of his musical abilities. My favorite quote comes from the Diamonds and Pearls era in an interview with some in his new band NPG which goes something like "you gotta know your parts because if you can't play them then Prince will do it himself"
