Sunday, December 27, 2020

A birthday puzzle for you......

The site is one year old today, and I guess you know by now that I have way too much spare time on my hands, so I've put together a little birthday puzzle for you. Download the file, listen to the great music, and then see if you can work out what links them all together. 

When you've worked it out then you can download the full album, with cover and full track-listing, that I'll post in a few days. Have fun.


  1. pj, I know I'm gonna feel like an idiot when you post what the link is... but as it stands right now, I've got no idea.

  2. Not got them all but those I have appear to be things you can have with bread...Jam, Marmalade, Egg etc. Jay

  3. Ingredients for a birthday party?
