Sunday, December 27, 2020

May Jailer - Sirens (2006)

Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, known by her stage name Lana Del Rey, was born on 21 June 1985 in New York City, and raised in Upstate New York. She returned to New York City in 2005 to begin her music career, and following numerous projects, including releasing her self-titled debut studio album, her breakthrough came after the viral success of her debut single 'Video Games' in 2011. Signing with Interscope and Polydor later that year, her major label debut was 'Born to Die' in 2012, and she continues to have a successful recording career today. But before that success she did in fact perform under a number of pseudonyms, such as Sparkle Jump Rope Queen and Lizzy Grant, and in 2006, under the name of May Jailer, she recorded an album called 'Sirens'. It's more of a demo, being just the singer and her acoustic guitar, and the songs are folky and fragile, and nothing at all like the synthesizer-heavy music on 'Born To Die', but they do have a certain charm to them. Only a few of these songs have actual titles, with the rest being given to them by fans after listening to the lyrics, but it's interesting that there is a song on her proper debut album entitled 'For K Part 2', which echoes one of the later tracks on this collection.  

Track listing

01 River Road (Next To Me)
02 My Momma
03 Bad Disease
04 Out With A Bang
05 Westbound 
06 Try Tonight
07 All You Need
08 I'm Indebted To You
09 Pretty Baby
10 Aviation
11 Find My Own Way
12 Pride
13 Birds Of A Feather
14 Drive By (For K, Part 1)
15 A Star For Nick

Suggested by 'The Greatest Albums You'll Never Hear' by Bruno MacDonald


  1. I just can not decide what to think of this person. At first blush their "Lana Del Rey" persona seems contrived, even phony. A plastic surgery disaster. But isn't pop music meant to put the "art" in "artifice"? And they seem to be doing it all on their own terms, so more power to them...I guess?

    1. I must admit that I hated 'Video Games' when it came out, which has coloured my opinion of her ever since, but I'm sure there are fans of hers out there who'd want to hear this, which is why I posted it.

  2. I just gave this a listen and enjoyed it very much. Almost Melanie-ish. I'm not familiar with her other work so coming at it with no preconceived notions and having a preference for simple, acoustic based music it fits my style very well. Thanks as always.
