Sunday, December 27, 2020

Throwing Muses - Kristin Hersh And The Muses (1984)

In the two years before they went into Fort Apache studios to record 'The Doghouse Cassette' in 1985, Throwing Muses, or Kristin And The Muses as they were known at the time, were taping songs onto cassette and passing them around to interested parties. The recordings weren't as polished as the 'Doghouse' tape, but you could still tell that the band had that certain something, and while most of the 'Doghouse' songs appeared on record fairly soon after they were signed to 4AD, none of the songs on these demo tapes have ever officially appeared in their catalogue, with the exception of 'The Burrow', which was eventually included on 1989's 'Hunkpapa' album. I'l be the first to admit that the sound quality on here is not the best, and I've beefed up the bass as much as I dare, but make allowances for the primitive recordings and the quality of these early songs shines through.  

Track listing

Kristin Hersh And The Muses
01 Nuke Your Heart
02 A Silent Promise
03 Don't Pull Back
04 There's No Excuse
05 (Don't) Look At Me That Way
06 Lizzie Sage
1984 Demo
07 Catch
08 Let's Go Outside
09 Machismo
10 Not Too Soon
11 Bird Of Paradox
12 The Burrow
13 Capital A
14 Clear And Great
15 Desert
16 Ant Song


  1. Hi. I believe Not Too Soon was on The Real Ramona (1990) and issued as a single the year after.

  2. Yes, you're right, although you'd hardly recognise it in it's polished new form.
