Monday, January 4, 2021

Kate Bush - Something Like A Song (1973)

While uploading the albums to Soulseek I found another black & white photo that I'd used which would be nice to colourise, and although the original one didn't come out that great, this one from the same photo-shoot was even better, so as before, here's an upgrade to the cover, with more to follow.


  1. Hi PJ, I'm not getting anything when searching Kate Bush aiwe, can you help with this and any others that are going to give me jip...cheers...

  2. It seems OK here, but try kate aiwe or bush aiwe, or if neither of those work the pick an unusual word from a song title, like snowball aiwe.

  3. It's not happening, never mind, thanks anyway.

  4. Can you access any of the albums at all? If so then I can pop this one in another folder for you.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The other person who had trouble says he downloaded soulseekqt, which is apparently different to soulseek, so which do you have? As soon as he downloaded that he could get in.

  7. If that isn't the answer then here is the old cached page with a live link.
