Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Peter Gabriel - Before The Flood (1979) UPDATE

If you're a regular visitor to Paul's albumsthatshouldexist blog, you'll know that he's just discovered an amazing new programme called Spleeter, that can isolate individual tracks from a recording, so that you can remove or manipulate the vocals, guitar, drums or bass from a song. I wanted to try it, but it turns out that it is incompatible with the CPU on my laptop, and there was one particular song from a recent post that I was going to try it out on, and that was 'You Get What You Want' from the Peter Gabriel post from a few weeks ago. About a third of the way in someone starts clapping along, and considering that we can be pretty sure that it's Phil Collins, as the other musicians would have their hands occupied, it is very unco-ordinated and distracting from someone who is supposed to be a drummer! I therefore asked Paul if he could run the song through Spleeter and see if he could remove it, and you'll amazed at the result. If there is a slight loss of quality in the rest of the track then that's a small price to pay for being able to listen to the song without the annoying clapping, so open the album folder in Soulseek and you'll find the edited track 03 which you can download separately, but I'll leave the original 'clapping' version in the folder so that you can hear exactly what this programme can do.      


  1. I hadn't listen to this before, but your writing peaked my interest and I downloaded both versions. I busted out with a huge grin when I listened to the "hand clap" version after your description. What first came to my mind was that my siberian husky might have more rhythm than Peter. I was extremely impressed with what Paul did did with the Spleeter technology. I can't even begin to imagine with what the effort and patience that was needed to accomplish the "clapless" (and pawless ;)) version.

  2. Actually the programme is so clever that you just drop the song into it and it automatically splits out the tracks ready for you to re-combine into any combination that you want. Still grateful to Paul for doing it, though. And perhaps I falsely accused Phil Collins of being the culprit, as Gabriel was only singing when not playing the flute, so it could have been him.

  3. Im looking at the folder and can only see the first version ?

  4. Sorry, found it. Great stuff.
