Sunday, December 5, 2021

Trying a little experiment.....

Following my post celebrating my 1,000th post, I did get a few suggestions about how to restore links to the blog, and one jumped out at me straight away, so we're going to experiment with that and see if it works. There is a Yandex link on the right, under the disclaimer, which will be a permanent link from now on. I'll just update it twice a week, but the link won't change. That will take you to a pdf with all the albums on it, with the last six months in reverse order of posting, and then after that there is an A-Z archive, which is now complete. I'll carry on posting to Soulseek for those who prefer that, but by avoiding hyperlinks I'm hoping to keep the blog alive for the foreseeable future.   


  1. perfectly


  2. Thank you for the extra effort. It's really apprecited. I downloaded some that I was unable to after the switch to soulseek.

    1. PJ's method reminds me of your separate page for downloads over on What-If Misc., since bots only look at the top page, they can't find the links if they aren't right there.

      Sonic is dealing with frustrating backlash at his attempt to do the same, somewhat, to keep links safe from bots, because some people just want easy...

  3. Thanks pj, the Yandex pdf links seem to work just fine, I look forward to exploring further.

  4. A thanks for all you do for all of us.

  5. Both work for me. Many thanks.

  6. This is a really generous effort to make your creations more available. Thank you. One issue I've noticed is that for at least three of the '...And on Guitar' items, they download fine and unpack but then the folder is empty. Something to do with the '...' in the file name?

    1. I'm guessing you have a MAC, in which case Press command+shift+period (to show hidden files) and a grayed out folder '...and on guitar" will appear and the mp3s will be inside. Either drag those to another folder OR rename the folder without any periods at the beginning. Press command+shift+period to once again hide the hidden files.

    2. Thank you very much pj. Yes I have a Mac, and yes this works.

  7. This works better for me. I usually can't connect on slsk.

    1. That's what it's for. I've been trying to come up with a safe way to offer links for a while, and I thought uploading them on Guitars101 was a good idea until they banned me. I think this will work, and will draw people back who couldn't get SS to work.
