Thursday, October 5, 2023

What's going on...?

I woke up this morning to four take-down notices from Mega, requested by some company in France. At first I thought it might be Mike's Beatles posts, as there have been four of them, but after checking my account it turns out to be the four links that I publish on the blog, for the Mega links, the ...and on guitar biogs, Powerpop Tom's CD covers, and my Soulseek instructions, so not even any music. The ironic thing is that I wrote all of those documents and so they are my copyright and no-one else has the authority to have them removed. It seems that someone has found the blog and asked for all links to be removed, which is exactly why I don't publish them on the site, as otherwise they would now all be gone. There also seems to be an issue with Soulseek, although I think that might just be a coincidence, but I have re-booted, so anyone who had a problem can try again. It might just be because my laptop seemed to have turned itself off today. Although it's not actually a Mega issue, I think the quickest fix is to move these docs to another host, and as Paul seems to get on OK with then I'll try them. Everything else will stay the same unless things escalate.   



  1. So It coincided with the 2:20 PM Emergency Broadcast Signal....curious.

  2. You also sound like my brother... anytime anything went wrong the first thing out of his mouth was "IT'S MIKE'S FAULT!!" lol
    I forgive you.

    1. I didn't read that as blaming you, PJ thought the recent Beatle posts were the ones he was getting C&D's for...I don't know where 'fair use' and what you have done via the audio voodoo that you do meet, if at all, so I could see the DMCAbots lucking into the keyword 'BEATLES' and attack PJ's Zion LOL

  3. Thanks for hanging in there with all this nonsense.

  4. I woke up this morning to four take-down notices - sounds like the first line from an old blues song!

    1. More like a *new* blues song, don't you think? LOL

  5. Uploadee now shows this message for your lynx file - File was deleted because of being against rules.
