Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Soft Machine - Soft Machine's Little Red Records (1970)

johntest has been busy recently upgrading the artwork for some of the posts on the excellent Soft Machine alternate universe blog https://softmachinerigamarole.blogspot.com, and I think that this one is such an improvement that I'm replacing the original cover on the post and in the album file with this one. If you already have the album then just save it from this page. The illustration of Kevin Ayers is by Neal Anderson. 


  1. Hi! Love what you do as it always brings something new to the music. I downloaded the ;latest links page today and this one is missing. Don't know if you ran in to problems (copyright) or something but being a big Wyatt fan hoping that you can add it to the new sheet. I'll let you know what I think.

  2. This is an older post, so it's not at the top of the list. You'll have to Cntrl F and search for it. It's only the cover that's new.
