Friday, July 19, 2024

Mike Solof - Off The Beatle Track - Episode 55 (2019)

Time for another episode of Mike's radio showing exploring all things Beatles, and on this one he looks at how the blues influenced the band. 
The Beatles were not primarily known for their blues music, as they were more famous for their pop and rock songs, however, they did incorporate elements of blues into some of their tracks. 'Yer Blues' is one of the most blues-influenced tracks by the band, featuring raw vocals and a heavy blues-rock sound. While 'Why Don't We Do It in the Road?' is not a traditional blues song, it has a bluesy vibe with its simple structure and raw vocals, whereas 'For You Blue' is a more traditional blues track with a slide guitar and a 12-bar blues structure. These are all later tracks from the band's catalogue, but they weren't averse to covering old blues songs on their early records, such as 'Kansas City' or 'Honey Don't', and so on this episode Mike shows how what the guys learned in the band carried on when they embarked on their solo careers, with examples of how the blues broke through every so often in their later work. 

Track listing

01 Episode 55 - Beatles Blues


  1. These episodes have played nicely in a parallel stream with the A Life In Lyrics podcast with Macca and Paul Muldoon :) Sir Solof skirts the line between needing his own site to show off his musical prowess, and this series of shows needs to be posted on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Audio, not that they aren't getting exposure here, but they are...just. that. good. I believe I had mentioned to him that his approach and style bring me back to my younger days of Scott Muni, Dennis Elsas, Pat St. John, classic deejays who not only spun the records like Dr. Johnny Fever but also knew *about* the music as well.

    [somewhere, the humbleness of Solof is in a serious argument with the ego of Solof yelling DAMN RIGHT, THIS MF SPITTING BARS ;) LOL]

  2. connsidering your proposition...but just ...just
