Saturday, March 22, 2025

Pierre Henry - Ceremony (1969)

This might seem like something of an odd post, considering how much time and effort it took to remove just about every trace of Pierre Henry from the original mix of Spooky Tooth's 'Ceremony' album, but after posting the result I receive at least two comments from people saying that they would have preferred to have heard less Spooky Tooth and more Pierre Henry! After confirming that they weren't joking, I did strip out a couple of tracks, and as they were gratefully received, I found that I had a bit of free time this weekend, so I've stripped out the other four tracks, and here is 'Ceremony' as performed solely by Pierre Henry. As I mentioned in the comments, this sort of  'music' isn't really for me, and so as I've had to listen to them all multiple times while working on them, I'll probably never need to hear this again.   

Track listing

01 Have Mercy
02 Jubilation
03 Confession
03 Prayer
05 Offering
06 Hosanna


  1. I couldn't believe it when you posted the most welcome, new improved, Ceremony, that there were a handful of fans of Henry that wanted more of him and less of the Tooth, but you've bravely managed to satisfy all of the people. Kudos all round, though I think that I'd want to lie down in a darkened room after the repetition of this utter cacophony - but who am I to judge?

  2. Aren't most of your posts kind of odd posts...LOL (but I love them!)

  3. Wow, Thank you. I am rewriting this comment a fair few times, to get my admiration as good as this post. I do not know which I prefer most. Finally having both, a near perfect double album, is very satisfying.
    I will listen with as much pleasure to the Spooky Tooth, as now the whole of the Pierre Henry parts.
