Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Certain Ratio - ACR7982 (1982)

Readers with long memories will recall that in my recent 23 Skidoo post I mentioned that I'd decided to compile that album after starting one for A Certain Ratio and recalling that both bands had a similar trajectory in their careers - starting out with an indie/punk 7" single, and then almost immediately going down the indie/funk route for their next release, and from then on concentrating on 12" releases rather than 7"ers. A Certain Ratio just had the edge, and so were more successful than 23 Skidoo, and during their golden period of 1979-1982 they released a string of excellent 12" singles, all of which are collected here, mostly ripped from my old vinyl. The original idea for this collection came from the Save Your Face blog, as he put together a similar collection some time ago, but his was a mixture of singles, album tracks, live recordings and Peel sessions, and I really wanted all of the non-album tracks in one place, although I did like his cover enough to adapt it for this post. It's just over an hour long, but then dance albums often can be lengthy, as the tracks can sometimes stretch out a bit, so in this case i'm prepared to treat this as a CD release rather then try to cut it down to album size.

Track listing

01 All Night Party (single 1979)
02 The Thin Boys (b-side of 'All Night Party')
03 Flight (single 1980)
04 Blown Away (b-side of 'Flight')
05 ...And Then Again (b-side of 'Flight')
06 Do The Du (Casse) (from the 'Do The Du (Casse)' 12" single 1981)
07 The Fox (from the 'Do The Du (Casse)' 12" single 1981)
08 Shack Up (from the 'Do The Du (Casse)' 12" single 1981)
09 Son And Heir (from the 'Do The Du (Casse)' 12" single 1981)
10 Waterline (single 1981)
11 Funaezekea (b-side of 'Waterline')
12 Guess Who (single 1982)
13 Knife Slits Water (single 1982)
14 Kether Hot Knives (Mix In Special) (b-side of 'Knife Slits Water')

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