Sunday, December 27, 2020

Neil Innes (1944-2019)

I was shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Neil Innes on Sunday, at the age of just 75. He became an integral part of this blog once I started to post the complete Rutles discography, and I came to realise just how many great songs he'd written with The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, The World, GRIMMS, and The Rutles, and of course in his solo career, both on record and on TV. I caught The Rutles when they visited my home town in the summer, and you could tell that he was having a ball playing the songs. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening for both the fans and the band, and that is how I will remember him. 

R.I.P. Neil


  1. Your post states it all better than I can. RIP Neil (& Nasty)

  2. Another great one lost way too young.

  3. Loved The Bonzos (saw them live in 1969) and the Rutles...sleep well dear Neil!

    Stuffy from Sweden

  4. Hi there.
    Since we lost him I have been going through all of his back catalogue and I was wondering whether anybody could make a mock - up of the Dirk McQuickly And Rings album "Band On The Rut"?
    1. Band On The Rut
    2. Rut
    3. Blue Tit
    4. Mrs. Vanderbrut
    5. Let Me Rut You
    6. Pneumonia
    7. No Words ( For My Lunch )
    8. Helen Squeals
    9. Van Gogh's Epitaph ( What Did You Say? )
    10.Twenty Hundred And Eighty - Five

    This is an album that badly needs doing!
    Thank - You,
    John Derek Pitt.
