Friday, February 19, 2021

My Invisible Friend - Sleepless (2016)

My Invisible Friend are an Italian shoegaze/noise rock band with a hint of darkened Krautrock and even a tad of drone music thrown in there for good measure. Their music blasts away with noise-orientated feedback over catchy and diverse shoegaze riffs and a powerful and echoed sound that is contrasted with barely audible vocals, evoking some sort of dream pop element into the mix. They released a few songs on Soundcloud around 2015, and then issued a self-titled EP in 2016, consisting of just three tracks, but which lasted over half an hour. All three tracks are superb pieces of music, with a dream pop tune layered with all matter of reverb, echo and noise drowning out the breathy and alluring vocals, with the closing 'Sleepless' being an eighteen-minute tour-de-force. I haven't seen anything from the band since the EP came out, so I've a feeling that they are no more, but they've left behind an album's work of outstanding psychedelic/noise/drone rock which will be their legacy. 

Track Listing

01 Dear Mary
02 O.N.S.
03 Green Sight
04 Sleepless
05 Eyes
06 Endless

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