Monday, October 9, 2023

Download update 2

Looks like I'm being targeted by a French residuals collection agency, who keep taking down any links that they find on the blog. It's really annoying, not only because I haven't really posted anything from French artists, but mainly because the links they are deleting aren't even for music, but they are all my Word and pdf docs, which of course includes the Lynx pdf. After they took down the Mega links I moved to, but that only lasted for a few days, so now I'm on After leaving that up for a couple of days I'm now worried that will be spotted and taken down as well, so I've therefore come up with a way to hide it, which is to add it to the comments of each new post. You might notice that I'm very regular with my posts, with one on Tuesday and three on Friday, so I only need to add the link to the comments of Tuesday's post and the top one on Friday, and of course all the previous links will be in the download as well. Hopefully new visitors will spot this update so that they can hear the music, and let's hope that if they think they've won that they'll now leave me alone. 



  1. Thanks for the work and sorry for the frogs lurking in your life...

  2. This is one of the best sites for music geeks. Splendid job. I was away on vacation when your issues started. It sounds like the only way to get to links between last time I downloaded links and now is to install soul seek

    1. You could, but if you can get ImageNetz to work than all the links are in the pdf so you won't miss any.
